ariolis30 — 2014-09-18T14:08:05-04:00 — #1
Anything and everything Seals related.
zakattak — 2014-10-30T17:20:28-04:00 — #2
back playing on here since Stars is terrible and will go under soon but thats another story in itself. time to regg btc poker now and hope eveyrone follows
maximillion — 2014-10-30T17:52:34-04:00 — #3
the stuff i have been hearing about stars lately is just mind boggling but as for seals
8-9 ET you should be okay. GL at the tables if you want to make a new account and dont have rb I think theres a deal on here
zakattak — 2014-10-30T18:00:32-04:00 — #4
everyone is just real tilted right now and change is needed. people need to believe in bitcoin or im scared of online pokers future. So many money grabbing mo fos out there its absurd.
maximillion — 2014-10-30T18:09:34-04:00 — #5
maximillion — 2014-10-30T19:50:16-04:00 — #6
"AMAYA" gaming ftl, they have been causing havoc as of late. Started with the cash gamers now its pretty much affected everyone else. Time to grind some Krill !
blackrabbit — 2014-10-31T01:35:48-04:00 — #7
Stars getting worse and worse, just a matter of time before BTC poker takes over
ship2tim — 2014-10-31T11:43:40-04:00 — #8
How is the sites history in regards to payouts?
ariolis30 — 2014-12-11T01:11:15-05:00 — #9