alisa_sa — 2014-09-18T08:30:46-04:00 — #1
Disuscssion of Crypto and Online Poker
ariolis30 — 2014-09-18T11:42:35-04:00 — #2
Betcoin or Seals w/ clubs what is your preference atm. GO!
maximillion — 2014-09-18T15:39:01-04:00 — #3
Bitcoin poker is the future, get on it now, get on it early you can thank me later
maximillion — 2014-09-18T15:39:43-04:00 — #4
Seals W clubs until Betcoin gets more volume. Ask me again at the end of the year.
zakattak — 2014-09-23T13:57:22-04:00 — #5
it eventually will, my dream is to play stars/ftp via btc.